I want to mention the excellent work of the website and florists. The bouquet was delivered exactly on time as agreed. Everything is intuitively simple and clear.
Sorry. There is a misunderstanding. My sister sent me her old flower and I didn’t know she was joking …. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAST SERVICE & the AVAILABILITY to deliver within 24 hours. I ordered the small size because I wanted to see if it will work since I have no experience buying sending online. Thanks for understanding ! And thank you
I ordered a bouquet for a girl for her birthday. For a long time I could not decide on the choice, embarrassment of riches from the number of bouquets. Thanks to the florists for a nice bouquet.
Thanks to your company, I made a pleasant romantic surprise for my girlfriend. She was extremely surprised by such beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers!
I always trust the delivery of bouquets only to you ! Wherever I am, you are always there and always helping. I have already ordered bouquets through you many, many times and they were all very beautiful!
Great store! I am very excited. For the first time I saw such a conscientious delivery and a huge selection of bouquets! I am impressed with the quality of service.
I ordered flowers for my wife's wedding anniversary. She was very pleased, she enjoyed the bouquet for a long time. And the fragrance of the flowers was simply delicious!