I want to mention the excellent work of the website and florists. The bouquet was delivered exactly on time as agreed. Everything is intuitively simple and clear.
Sorry. There is a misunderstanding. My sister sent me her old flower and I didn’t know she was joking …. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAST SERVICE & the AVAILABILITY to deliver within 24 hours. I ordered the small size because I wanted to see if it will work since I have no experience buying sending online. Thanks for understanding ! And thank you
I want to say that you have very good employees! They are really professionals in their field. They collected a gorgeous bouquet for me and brought it on time. Thanks!
It's absolutely beautiful and lovely. Colorful and elegant. The girl that deliver it it was nice and fun. Really professional and warm team you have. My friend was delighted with the bouquet and made her day. On to the next one, thank you :)
I ordered a bouquet for a girl for her birthday. For a long time I could not decide on the choice, embarrassment of riches from the number of bouquets. Thanks to the florists for a nice bouquet.
I am very pleased with the work of this store. I ordered a bouquet for my parents in another city. It turned out that the flowers are even more beautiful than in the photo. Moreover, excellent value for money, and delivery is not late.
I have never received better flowers and bouquets! My husband ordered a flower delivery for me and I was very happy with such a gift, because it is clear that they collected it with love.